Academic vs Capability

I was chatting with my girlfriend on the phone last night and somehow this topic became the central of our conversation. From our point of view, being good in academic doesn’t mean you are capable. A quick look through the society, you will see many successful entrepreneurs that made it without achieving much academic successes.

To those people who’re not achieving good grades in the academic area, please don’t be disheartened. I know (and heard) there are many people in my school who have achieved fantastic grades/GPA, president of this and that… but when it comes to do the REAL WORK, they display all their weaknesses.

However, the reality is that headhunters are only looking for students with good GPA and are president of their CCA or clubs. To be fair, some of them are indeed capable. To be honest, most of them are weak.

To non-tertiary students, your job is to build foundation for your tertiary education. It is good to have an ambition in life but try not to dream so far and affect your academic grades. The foundation matters!

To tertiary students, you have a couple of years to go before entering the work society. Wake up and look at the world realistically. You may be able to smoke your way through the interview, but once the smoke subside, your true capability will surface.

Well, no matter what you do, just ensure that you are happy with your life.

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